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maintain condition

  • 1 maintain

    transitive verb
    1) (keep up) aufrechterhalten; bewahren [Anschein, Haltung]; unterhalten [Beziehungen, Briefwechsel]; [beibe]halten [Preise, Geschwindigkeit]; wahren [Rechte, Ruf]
    3) (preserve) instand halten; warten [Maschine, Gerät]; unterhalten [Straße]
    4) (give aid to) unterstützen [Partei, Wohlfahrtsorganisation, Sache]
    5) (assert as true) vertreten [Meinung, Lehre]; beteuern [Unschuld]

    maintain that... — behaupten, dass...

    * * *
    1) (to continue: How long can you maintain this silence?) beibehalten
    2) (to keep in good condition: He maintains his car very well.) instand halten
    3) (to pay the expenses of: How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary?) unterhalten
    4) (to continue to argue or believe (that): I maintain that the theory is true.) behaupten
    - academic.ru/44694/maintenance">maintenance
    * * *
    1. (keep)
    to \maintain sth etw [bei]behalten
    to \maintain a blockade eine Blockade aufrechterhalten
    to \maintain one's cool/poise ( fam) cool/gelassen bleiben sl
    to \maintain course den Kurs [beibe]halten
    to \maintain one's dignity/sanity seine Würde/geistige Gesundheit bewahren
    to \maintain law and order/the status quo Gesetz und Ordnung/den Status quo aufrechterhalten
    to \maintain the lead in Führung bleiben
    to \maintain close links [or ties] [or contact] in engem Kontakt bleiben, engen Kontakt [aufrechter]halten
    to \maintain a position eine Stellung behalten, eine Position verteidigen
    to \maintain high/low prices die Preise hoch/niedrig halten
    to \maintain a low profile sich akk zurückhalten
    to \maintain silence Stillschweigen bewahren
    2. (in good condition) etw instand halten, etw warten
    a large country house costs a lot to \maintain ein großes Landhaus ist im Unterhalt sehr teuer
    to \maintain a garden einen Garten pflegen
    3. (provide for)
    to \maintain a child/family ein Kind/eine Familie unterhalten
    4. (claim)
    to \maintain sth etw behaupten
    he \maintained that he had never seen the woman before er behauptete, dass er die Frau nie zuvor gesehen hatte
    to \maintain one's innocence seine Unschuld beteuern
    5. (support)
    to \maintain a statement/theory eine Behauptung/Theorie vertreten
    * * *
    1) (= keep up) aufrechterhalten; law and order, peace etc wahren; speed, attitude beibehalten; prices halten; life erhalten

    to maintain the status quoden Status quo (aufrecht)erhalten

    2) (= support) family unterhalten
    3) (= keep in good condition) machine warten; roads, building instand or in Stand halten; car pflegen

    this old car is too expensive to maintaindieses alte Auto ist im Unterhalt zu teuer

    products which help to maintain healthy skin — Produkte, die die Haut gesund erhalten

    4) (= claim) behaupten

    he still maintained he was innocent, he still maintained his innocence — er beteuerte immer noch seine Unschuld

    5) (= defend) theory vertreten; rights verteidigen
    * * *
    maintain [meınˈteın] v/t
    1. einen Zustand (aufrecht)erhalten, beibehalten, (be-)wahren:
    maintain an attitude eine Haltung beibehalten;
    maintain good relations gute Beziehungen aufrechterhalten;
    maintain one’s reputation seinen guten Ruf wahren;
    maintain one’s weight sein Gewicht halten
    2. eine Maschine etc instand halten, unterhalten, pflegen, TECH auch warten:
    be expensive to maintain teuer im Unterhalt sein
    3. eine Korrespondenz etc unterhalten, (weiter)führen
    4. (in einem bestimmten Zustand) lassen, bewahren:
    maintain sth in (an) excellent condition
    5. seine Familie etc unterhalten, versorgen:
    maintained school staatliche Schule
    6. a) behaupten ( that dass; to inf zu inf)
    b) seine Unschuld etc beteuern
    7. eine Meinung, ein Recht etc verfechten, -teidigen
    8. jemanden unterstützen, jemandem beipflichten
    9. auf einer Forderung bestehen
    10. nicht aufgeben, behaupten:
    maintain one’s ground bes fig sich (in seiner Stellung) behaupten oder halten;
    maintain the lead SPORT die Führung behaupten
    11. JUR
    a) eine Klage anhängig machen
    b) eine Prozesspartei widerrechtlich unterstützen
    12. WIRTSCH
    a) einen Preis halten
    b) eine Ware im Preis halten
    * * *
    transitive verb
    1) (keep up) aufrechterhalten; bewahren [Anschein, Haltung]; unterhalten [Beziehungen, Briefwechsel]; [beibe]halten [Preise, Geschwindigkeit]; wahren [Rechte, Ruf]
    3) (preserve) instand halten; warten [Maschine, Gerät]; unterhalten [Straße]
    4) (give aid to) unterstützen [Partei, Wohlfahrtsorganisation, Sache]
    5) (assert as true) vertreten [Meinung, Lehre]; beteuern [Unschuld]

    maintain that... — behaupten, dass...

    * * *
    aufrechterhalten v.
    beibehalten v.
    erhalten v.
    instandhalten v.
    unterhalten v.
    unterstützen v.
    warten v.

    English-german dictionary > maintain

  • 2 maintain

    1) (to continue: How long can you maintain this silence?) mantener
    2) (to keep in good condition: He maintains his car very well.) mantener, conservar
    3) (to pay the expenses of: How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary?) mantener, sustentar
    4) (to continue to argue or believe (that): I maintain that the theory is true.) mantener, sostener
    maintain vb mantener
    1 (preserve, keep up - gen) mantener; (- silence, appearances) guardar
    2 (support financially) mantener, sostener
    3 (keep in good condition) conservar en buen estado
    4 (assert as true) mantener, sostener
    maintain [meɪn'teɪn] vt
    1) service: dar mantenimiento a (una máquina)
    2) preserve: mantener, conservar
    to maintain silence: guardar silencio
    3) support: mantener, sostener
    4) assert: mantener, sostener, afirmar
    alegar v.
    alimentar v.
    conservar v.
    entretener v.
    (§pres: -tengo, -tienes...-tenemos) pret: -tuv-
    fut/c: -tendr-•)
    mantener v.
    (§pres: -tengo, -tienes...-tenemos) pret: -tuv-
    fut/c: -tendr-•)
    pelechar v.
    sostener v.
    (§pres: -tengo, -tienes...-tenemos) pret: -tuv-
    fut/c: -tendr-•)
    sustentar v.
    a) \<\<speed/lead\>\> mantener*; \<\<silence\>\> guardar
    b) \<\<house/machine\>\> ocuparse del mantenimiento de; \<\<aircraft\>\> mantener*
    c) \<\<family/dependents/army\>\> mantener*
    2) ( claim) mantener*, sostener*
    1) (=keep up) [+ attitude, correspondence, order, speed, advantage] mantener; [+ silence] guardar; [+ war] sostener, continuar
    2) (=support) [+ family, dependents] mantener; [+ army] mantener, costear
    3) (=keep in good condition) [+ road, building, car, machine] mantener en buen estado

    the house costs a fortune to maintain — el mantenimiento de la casa cuesta un dineral, cuesta un dineral mantener la casa en buen estado

    4) (=have, retain) [+ house, property] poseer, tener

    as well as his house in London he maintains one in New York and one in France — además de su casa en Londres, posee or tiene una en Nueva York y otra en Francia

    5) (=claim) [+ one's innocence] mantener, sostener

    he maintained that the earth was roundmantenía or sostenía que la tierra era redonda

    * * *
    a) \<\<speed/lead\>\> mantener*; \<\<silence\>\> guardar
    b) \<\<house/machine\>\> ocuparse del mantenimiento de; \<\<aircraft\>\> mantener*
    c) \<\<family/dependents/army\>\> mantener*
    2) ( claim) mantener*, sostener*

    English-spanish dictionary > maintain

  • 3 maintain

    1) (to continue: How long can you maintain this silence?) opretholde; bevare
    2) (to keep in good condition: He maintains his car very well.) vedligeholde
    3) (to pay the expenses of: How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary?) forsørge
    4) (to continue to argue or believe (that): I maintain that the theory is true.) holde på
    * * *
    1) (to continue: How long can you maintain this silence?) opretholde; bevare
    2) (to keep in good condition: He maintains his car very well.) vedligeholde
    3) (to pay the expenses of: How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary?) forsørge
    4) (to continue to argue or believe (that): I maintain that the theory is true.) holde på

    English-Danish dictionary > maintain

  • 4 maintain

    main·tain [meɪnʼteɪn] vt
    1) ( keep)
    to \maintain sth etw [bei]behalten;
    to \maintain a blockade eine Blockade aufrechterhalten;
    to \maintain one's cool/ poise ( fam) cool/gelassen bleiben (sl)
    to \maintain course den Kurs [beibe]halten;
    to \maintain one's dignity/ sanity seine Würde/geistige Gesundheit bewahren;
    to \maintain law and order/ the status quo Gesetz und Ordnung/den Status quo aufrechterhalten;
    to \maintain the lead in Führung bleiben;
    to \maintain close links [or ties] [or contact] in engem Kontakt bleiben, engen Kontakt [aufrechter]halten;
    to \maintain a position eine Stellung behalten, eine Position verteidigen;
    to \maintain high/ low prices die Preise hoch/niedrig halten;
    to \maintain a low profile sich akk zurückhalten;
    to \maintain silence Stillschweigen bewahren
    2) ( in good condition) etw instand halten, etw warten;
    a large country house costs a lot to \maintain ein großes Landhaus ist im Unterhalt sehr teuer;
    to \maintain a garden einen Garten pflegen
    to \maintain a child/ family ein Kind/eine Familie unterhalten
    4) ( claim)
    to \maintain sth etw behaupten;
    he \maintained that he had never seen the woman before er behauptete, dass er die Frau nie zuvor gesehen hatte;
    to \maintain one's innocence seine Unschuld beteuern
    5) ( support)
    to \maintain a statement/ theory eine Behauptung/Theorie vertreten

    English-German students dictionary > maintain

  • 5 maintain

    1) (to continue: How long can you maintain this silence?) fortsette med, holde gående
    2) (to keep in good condition: He maintains his car very well.) holde i (god) stand, vedlikeholde
    3) (to pay the expenses of: How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary?) forsørge
    4) (to continue to argue or believe (that): I maintain that the theory is true.) hevde
    verb \/meɪnˈteɪn\/
    1) opprettholde, holde ved like, håndheve
    2) vedlikeholde, holde ved like
    3) forfekte, stå ved, fastholde, hevde, påstå
    4) forsørge, underholde, livnære, forsyne, holde
    5) ( foreldet) holde på, forsvare, hevde, støtte

    English-Norwegian dictionary > maintain

  • 6 maintain

    1) (keep steady) mantenere [temperature, standards]
    2) (support) mantenere [family, army]
    3) (look after) curare la manutenzione di [machine, road]
    4) (assert) sostenere [ innocence]

    to maintain thatsostenere o affermare che

    * * *
    1) (to continue: How long can you maintain this silence?) mantenere
    2) (to keep in good condition: He maintains his car very well.) mantenere, conservare
    3) (to pay the expenses of: How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary?) mantenere
    4) (to continue to argue or believe (that): I maintain that the theory is true.) sostenere
    * * *
    1) (keep steady) mantenere [temperature, standards]
    2) (support) mantenere [family, army]
    3) (look after) curare la manutenzione di [machine, road]
    4) (assert) sostenere [ innocence]

    to maintain thatsostenere o affermare che

    English-Italian dictionary > maintain

  • 7 maintain

    utrzymywać (utrzymać perf); friendship, good relations podtrzymywać (podtrzymać perf)

    to maintain that … — utrzymywać, że …

    * * *
    1) (to continue: How long can you maintain this silence?) zachowywać
    2) (to keep in good condition: He maintains his car very well.) utrzymywać, konserwować
    3) (to pay the expenses of: How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary?) utrzymać
    4) (to continue to argue or believe (that): I maintain that the theory is true.) utrzymywać, twierdzić

    English-Polish dictionary > maintain

  • 8 maintain

    1) (to continue: How long can you maintain this silence?) obdržati
    2) (to keep in good condition: He maintains his car very well.) vzdrževati
    3) (to pay the expenses of: How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary?) vzdrževati
    4) (to continue to argue or believe (that): I maintain that the theory is true.) vztrajati (pri)
    * * *
    transitive verb
    obdržati, obvarovati, ohraniti (stanje, dober glas itd.); vzdrževati, streči, skrbeti za (stroj, družino itd.); trditi ( that da); braniti, podpirati (koga, mnenje, pravico); vztrajati (na zahtevi); juridically začeti tožbo; koga protizakonito podpirati; economy obdržati ceno (blagu)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > maintain

  • 9 maintain

    1) (to continue: How long can you maintain this silence?) halda (áfram/gangandi)
    2) (to keep in good condition: He maintains his car very well.) halda við, viðhalda
    3) (to pay the expenses of: How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary?) halda uppi, sjá fyrir
    4) (to continue to argue or believe (that): I maintain that the theory is true.) halda fram

    English-Icelandic dictionary > maintain

  • 10 maintain

    1) (to continue: How long can you maintain this silence?) fenntart
    2) (to keep in good condition: He maintains his car very well.) karbantart
    3) (to pay the expenses of: How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary?) eltart
    4) (to continue to argue or believe (that): I maintain that the theory is true.) fenntart

    English-Hungarian dictionary > maintain

  • 11 maintain

    1) (to continue: How long can you maintain this silence?) manter
    2) (to keep in good condition: He maintains his car very well.) manter
    3) (to pay the expenses of: How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary?) sustentar
    4) (to continue to argue or believe (that): I maintain that the theory is true.) afirmar
    * * *
    [meint'ein] vt 1 manter, sustentar. 2 preservar. 3 suportar. 4 afirmar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > maintain

  • 12 maintain

    v. sürdürmek, sağlamak, bakmak, geçindirmek, korumak
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (to continue: How long can you maintain this silence?) sürdürmek
    2) (to keep in good condition: He maintains his car very well.) bakmak
    3) (to pay the expenses of: How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary?) geçindirmek, bakmak
    4) (to continue to argue or believe (that): I maintain that the theory is true.) savunmak, iddia etmek

    English-Turkish dictionary > maintain

  • 13 maintain

    • ikuistaa
    • huoltaa
    • elättää
    • väittää
    • puolustaa
    • pysyttää
    • säilyttää
    • säilyttää (rauha) pitää voimassa (suojatoimenpiteet / yhteisön säännöstö) ylläpitää (hintataso)
    • ylläpitää
    • pitää kunnossa
    • pitää
    • pitää yllä
    • pitää voimassa
    * * *
    1) (to continue: How long can you maintain this silence?) ylläpitää
    2) (to keep in good condition: He maintains his car very well.) pitää kunnossa
    3) (to pay the expenses of: How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary?) elättää
    4) (to continue to argue or believe (that): I maintain that the theory is true.) pitää kiinni kannastaan

    English-Finnish dictionary > maintain

  • 14 maintain

    1) (to continue: How long can you maintain this silence?) paturēt; saglabāt
    2) (to keep in good condition: He maintains his car very well.) ekspluatēt; apkopt
    3) (to pay the expenses of: How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary?) uzturēt
    4) (to continue to argue or believe (that): I maintain that the theory is true.) apgalvot
    * * *
    saglabāt, paturēt; uzturēt; apgalvot; aizstāvēt; ekspluatēt, apkalpot

    English-Latvian dictionary > maintain

  • 15 maintain

    1) (to continue: How long can you maintain this silence?) palaikyti
    2) (to keep in good condition: He maintains his car very well.) išlaikyti, prižiūrėti, eksploatuoti
    3) (to pay the expenses of: How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary?) išlaikyti
    4) (to continue to argue or believe (that): I maintain that the theory is true.) tvirtinti, teigti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > maintain

  • 16 maintain

    v. uppehålla; upprätthålla; underhålla; hålla i stånd; vidhålla, hävda; försörja, livnära
    * * *
    1) (to continue: How long can you maintain this silence?) bibehålla, upprätthålla
    2) (to keep in good condition: He maintains his car very well.) underhålla, hålla i gott skick
    3) (to pay the expenses of: How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary?) försörja
    4) (to continue to argue or believe (that): I maintain that the theory is true.) vidhålla, hävda

    English-Swedish dictionary > maintain

  • 17 maintain

    1) (to continue: How long can you maintain this silence?) pokračovat (v)
    2) (to keep in good condition: He maintains his car very well.) udržovat
    3) (to pay the expenses of: How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary?) živit, vydržovat
    4) (to continue to argue or believe (that): I maintain that the theory is true.) tvrdit
    * * *
    • uživit
    • udržovat
    • udržet
    • zachovat

    English-Czech dictionary > maintain

  • 18 maintain

    1) (to continue: How long can you maintain this silence?) pokračovať (v)
    2) (to keep in good condition: He maintains his car very well.) udržiavať
    3) (to pay the expenses of: How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary?) živiť
    4) (to continue to argue or believe (that): I maintain that the theory is true.) trvať (na)
    * * *
    • vydržiavat
    • zachov(áv)at
    • zachovávat
    • zastávat
    • živit
    • udržovat
    • tvrdit
    • udržiavat
    • bránit
    • chránit
    • pestovat
    • podporovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > maintain

  • 19 maintain

    1) (to continue: How long can you maintain this silence?) a (men)ţine
    2) (to keep in good condition: He maintains his car very well.) a întreţine, a păstra
    3) (to pay the expenses of: How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary?) a între­ţine
    4) (to continue to argue or believe (that): I maintain that the theory is true.) a susţine

    English-Romanian dictionary > maintain

  • 20 maintain

    1) (to continue: How long can you maintain this silence?) συνεχίζω,τηρώ
    2) (to keep in good condition: He maintains his car very well.) συντηρώ,διατηρώ
    3) (to pay the expenses of: How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary?) συντηρώ
    4) (to continue to argue or believe (that): I maintain that the theory is true.) επιμένω να πιστεύω,υποστηρίζω

    English-Greek dictionary > maintain

См. также в других словарях:

  • maintain — main‧tain [meɪnˈteɪn, mən ] verb [transitive] 1. to make something continue in the same way or at the same high standard as before: • It is impossible to maintain exports at past levels. • To maintain sales growth, the company plans to unveil a… …   Financial and business terms

  • Maintain — Main*tain, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Maintained}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Maintaining}.] [OE. maintenen, F. maintenir, properly, to hold by the hand; main hand (L. manus) + F. tenir to hold (L. tenere). See {Manual}, and Tenable.] 1. To hold or keep in any… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Condition monitoring — is the process of monitoring a parameter of condition in machinery, such that a significant change is indicative of a developing failure. It is a major component of predictive maintenance. The use of conditional monitoring allows maintenance to… …   Wikipedia

  • Condition-based maintenance — (CBM), shortly described, is maintenance when need arises. This maintenance is performed after one or more indicators show that equipment is going to fail or that equipment performance is deteriorating. Condition based maintenance was introduced… …   Wikipedia

  • maintain — I (carry on) verb adfirmare, confirmare, contendere, continue, follow up, go on, keep alive, keep going, keep on, keep up, perpetuate, persevere, persist, proceed with, prolong, pursue, shore up, stick to II (commence) verb activate, b …   Law dictionary

  • maintain — ► VERB 1) cause or enable (a condition or state of affairs) to continue. 2) keep (a building, machine, etc.) in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly. 3) provide with necessities for life or existence. 4) assert to be the case.… …   English terms dictionary

  • maintain — [mān tān′] vt. [ME mainteinen < OFr maintenir < ML manutenere < L manu tenere, to hold in the hand < manu, abl. of manus, hand + tenere, to hold: see MANUAL & TENANT] 1. to keep or keep up; continue in or with; carry on 2. a) to keep… …   English World dictionary

  • maintain — The term is variously defined as acts of repairs and other acts to prevent a decline, lapse or cessation from existing state or condition; bear the expense of; carry on; commence; continue; furnish means for subsistence or existence of; hold;… …   Black's law dictionary

  • maintain — The term is variously defined as acts of repairs and other acts to prevent a decline, lapse or cessation from existing state or condition; bear the expense of; carry on; commence; continue; furnish means for subsistence or existence of; hold;… …   Black's law dictionary

  • maintain — main|tain [ meın teın ] verb *** ▸ 1 keep something the same ▸ 2 keep in good condition ▸ 3 keep saying something ▸ 4 provide money etc. ▸ 5 not get angry 1. ) transitive to make something stay the same: KEEP: Maintaining your current weight… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • maintain — [[t]meɪnte͟ɪn[/t]] ♦♦ maintains, maintaining, maintained 1) VERB If you maintain something, you continue to have it, and do not let it stop or grow weaker. [V n] The Department maintains many close contacts with the chemical industry... [V n]… …   English dictionary

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